The BBFC British Board of film classification)
The BBFC has the resposiblity to classify all films, DVDs and video games released in the UK.
In April 2011 The Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) will take over video games classification.
Every four years the BBFC publishes a set of guidlines these guidlines are produced after extesive public consultation. The BBFC is independant of both the government and the film industry.
Film classifiers have to work within the law. There are two main laws.
The 1984 Video recordings act - It states that commercial video recordings offered for sale or for hire within the UK must carry a classification that has been agreed upon by an authority designated by the Home Office.
and the 2003 Licensing act, this gives local authorities the power to decide what they what to show in the cinema. It also gives them the ability to change the classification. For example West Minsters county council banned the showing of 'The Life Of Brian'
They determine exactly what is acceptable for the age catergories. (U PG 12a 12 15 18 R18)
PG Parental Guidlines - General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children
12A - Suitable for children or 12 years accompanied by an adult.
15 - Suitable for 15 years and over
18 - Suitable only for adults
R18 - To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sec shops, and to adults of not less than 18
-The public are concerned about young children seeing:
- Violence
- Blood
- Visual Content
- Violent sounds
A quote from Ros Bates "The main concern of the BBFC is the prevention of harm. Our aim is not to cut films but to get the right audience to see the right film."
Sex and Nudity:
12- Sex may be implied.
15- Full body nudity
18-Full body nudity and sexual movements
Taste and Decency
Bad language:
Context is everything.
It used to be the case that with more than one use of a swear word the movie would be moved to a 15 straight away. but that rule doesnt apply anymore.
The BBFC guidlines state there are 3 main considerations for any film.
- Obscenity
- Equality
- Incitement
- Protection of children.
- Is it likely to harm anyone?
- Is it in line with present public opinion?
- BBFC have got tougher with childrens viewing
- An acceptance of the success of cinema gatekeeping and the failure of home gatekeeping.
The classification of our film will be:
Because of this our main target audience would be mostly teenagers
My perspective of a typical audience member would be: