Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

The BBFC British Board of film classification)

The BBFC has the resposiblity to classify all films, DVDs and video games released in the UK.
In April 2011 The Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) will take over video games classification.
Every four years the BBFC publishes a set of guidlines these guidlines are produced after extesive public consultation. The BBFC is independant of both the government and the film industry.

Film classifiers have to work within the law. There are two main laws.
The 1984 Video recordings act -  It states that commercial video recordings offered for sale or for hire within the UK must carry a classification that has been agreed upon by an authority designated by the Home Office.

and the 2003 Licensing act, this gives local authorities the power to decide what they what to show in the cinema. It also gives them the ability to change the classification. For example West Minsters county council banned the showing of 'The Life Of Brian'

They determine exactly what is acceptable for the age catergories. (U PG 12a 12 15 18 R18)

 U- Suitatable for all

PG Parental Guidlines - General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children

12A - Suitable for children or 12 years accompanied by an adult.

15 - Suitable for 15 years and over

18 - Suitable only for adults

R18 - To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sec shops, and to adults of not less than 18

-The public are concerned about young children seeing:
  • Violence
  • Blood
  • Visual Content
  • Violent sounds
For a 12 film there must be no specific concentration on blood.
A quote from Ros Bates "The main concern of the BBFC is the prevention of harm. Our aim is not to cut films but to get the right audience to see the right film."

Sex and Nudity:
12- Sex may be implied.
15- Full body nudity
18-Full body nudity and sexual movements

Taste and Decency

Bad language:
Context is everything.
It used to be the case that with more than one use of a swear word the movie would be moved to a 15 straight away. but that rule doesnt apply anymore.

The BBFC guidlines state there are 3 main considerations for any film.

  • Obscenity
  • Equality
  • Incitement
  • Protection of children.
2. Protective.
  • Is it likely to harm anyone?
3. Societal
  • Is it in line with present public opinion?
The introduction of 12a classification shows 2 things:
  1. BBFC have got tougher with childrens viewing
  2. An acceptance of the success of cinema gatekeeping and the failure of home gatekeeping.

The classification of our film will be:

Because of this our main target audience would be mostly teenagers
My perspective of a typical audience member would be: 

Monday, 14 February 2011

Question 5 How did you attract/address your audience

This is the invitation we sent out in order to attract our audience:
We also sent out questionnaires about different film openings, this can be seen in another post.

This is the questionnaire before our premiere


Are you:

Male                                                            Female

How old are you?

0-5                6-10                  11-15               16-20              20+

What is your favourite movie genre? (circle up to 3)





Action adventure

Chick Flick


Other: (please explain)

What do you think makes a good movie opening?

What titles do you think should be included in a movie opening?

How important is music in the opening in a movie?

Least                                                                                         Very
1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10

Please explain your choice:

The results of the questionnaire after the premier

Question 1
This was asked to see the amount of people who enjoyed the film opening.

From this questionnaire we found out that everybody who watched our film enjoyed it.

Question 2
We used a likert scale to see how effective the audience thought the music was. 
(1 being not effective - 10 being very effective)

With highest the score of effectiveness from the responses being 9 this shows that music as quite important in a movie.

Question 3 
This was a personal opinion of which classification rating the audience would give our film.
This graph shows that most people gave our film opening a classification of a 12:

Question 4
 How well did you think the setting went with the story?
(1 being not at all 10 being very well)

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10
We used another likert scale to do this (1 being not at all - 10 being very well) 

From these results most people thought the film went quite well, but from looking at the results, we could of perhaps chosen a better setting.

Question 5
5. What type of genre do you think this film opening was?
(Circle up to 2)

Action adventure
If other please state :

As you can see from the pie chart below the most popular genre circled was horror and thriller was the second most popular, we were pleased with these results, because it shows we were right in choosing this genre because it was a favourite among our peers.

Question 6
6. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much did this opening scene seem to be scary to you 
(1 being the least 10  being the most)

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

This graph shows that a varied responce towards the scariness of the film.

The lower responses could of been due to the lack of violence and gore in generic horror movies, but the higher score show that we were doing the right thing.

Question 7:  
7. Did this film opening make you want to see more?
Yes              No 
Our results showed that everyone invited to the premiere and that answered this questionnaire wanted to see more. 

The questionnaire we used after premiering to see what the audience thought about our piece.


1.      Did you enjoy the film opening?
Yes            No
Please explain your answer (i.e. what you liked and disliked about the it)

2.      On a scale of 1 – 10 how effective did you think the music was?
(1 being not effective and 10 being very effective)

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

3.      Based upon this clip, what classification would you give this movie?
(Circle only one)

U         PG      12A     12        15        18       

4.      How well did you think the setting went with the story?
(1 being not at all 10 being very well)

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

5.      What type of genre do you think this film opening was?
(Circle up to 2)

Action adventure
If other please state :

6.      On a scale of 1 to 10 how much did this opening scene seem to be scary to you ( 1 being the least 10  being the most)

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

7.      Did this film opening make you want to see more?
Yes              No

Monday, 7 February 2011


The location for our piece was in the wikenby woods the reason for choosing this location was because it was at opportunity because a member of my group lives near here so we were able to go there to film.

This is an image of Wikenby woods, we used this area to film the title sequence of our film opening:

We also had to use willingham woods, because this was closer to school so we could go there more often.
Here is an image of Willingham Woods in which we filmed most of our film opening: