Thursday, 7 April 2011

Construction Issues

The filming issues, problems and solutions we had are as follows:

The first filming issue we came across was that with the first part of our film opening being in Wickenby woods we had to try and gather all the cast and crew members there, but this was not possible so to solve this issue we had to finish the filming in Willingham Woods, but when we got to willingham woods we lost some filming time because we realised that we had to get permission from the forestry commissioners office which we did get in the end. This means that we had to send off all footage that we got that day.

Location skills, featuring camera, tripod, actors ect:
Finding the best location for our filming wasn't difficult because we live in the countryside, therefore we knew we would have a wide access to forests so we decided to produce a film in a wood would be suitable.

Editing issues and solutions:

During the editing stages of our film making we noticed there were some clicking noises created by the tripod at one point. So we told our teacher and he told us how to remove the clicking noises so that problem was easily solved. 

Music issues:

Becuase we used two different types of music we had to think of a way to make a smooth change between the two without a massive jump we did this by fading out one and a zoom in to the villains face with a quick scene change:

Titling issues:

The main issues with the titles was getting the whispering in the background to match with the words at the right times.

Timing issues:
The main timing issue was finding the right days to film where everyone was available to shoot the different parts. For instance at the beginning pan of the movie during the title scene me and Gemma filmed that part because Megan was unavailable. The weather was also a big issue as far as timing was concerned because with it being the middle of winter and in England, the weather was very unpredictable.

Weather/ illness ect, and solutions:

The weather was the main issue we had with regards to shooting, because it was so unpredictable because we would make plans to shoot on a day but then we were unable to because the weather would be different.

Illness wasnt really a major issue really.

All in all i think we were able to fix or cover up any issues that were put in front of us.

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